Tree Removal Stirling
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It is easy to forget that trees in your garden  have requirements that need to be met in order to remain strong and healthy. If your trees do not have adequate nutrients ,water, oxygen to their root systems and enough space they can become susceptible to pests and disease and can become weak and structurally unsound. This is when they can start costing you money.


Trees are not only an environmental assest providing food and habitat to various birds and wildlife they also increase land value. They are well worth looking after. Placing mulch under your tree will make a huge difference to the health of your tree. Mulch should not be put againest the trunk of the tree but should be put down around 4 inches thick as far as the drip line if not further. This will encourage  good insects and grubs to dig around and help break down the mulch. It also provides a food source for local birds and fauna. Mulch keeps the soil at an even temperature, retains moisture, cuts down on weeds  and provides minerals and nutrients that you tree needs. It provides oxygen to the root system, but most importantly it provides a good ecosystem for the tree root system.

 Healthy roots systems = healthy trees.

Many of the trees we remove have failed or need to be removed because they were planted in the wrong place,lopped, topped, did not have enough space or were not properly cared for.

Much consideration needs to be given when choosing a tree for your garden. Firstly what do you hope to gain? A tree for shade, to attract birds or as a centre piece for your garden? There are many different reasons people may have. To ensure sucess this is what you need to consider

Soil type- is your chosen tree suited to your soil type.

Space- roots systems are sometimes are far greater than the tree canopy, roots need minimal obstructions as they grow. Exactly how high and wide will your chosen tree grow? This also depends on where you live, rainfall frost etc. Do not plant trees too close to buildings. They may be very small as saplings but they can grow to garguantuan proportions!

Climate- will the tree cope in your area. ie rainforest trees will not cope with less rainfall , as desert trees will not cope with wet feet.

Position- Does your chosen tree come from a climate that is blasted with 45 degree heat?Can it cope with frost?Can it bear high winds?  Correct postion in your garden is very important

Good Stock is essential- good nurseries have good stock . Some varieties have pest and disease resistant strains available. How the saplings roots are housed are also important, it can have a effect on how the tree will grow in the future.

Qualified Arboricultural Consultants can help you with all of the above , what may cost you a few hundred dollars to begin with by getting these guys in, can reap many thousands of dollars in years to come. As you will have trees which will grow successfully and increse your property value and you won't have to wait 20 years to find out you planted the wrong tree in the wrong spot and did'nt know how how to look after them to make sure they were a success.We know this is the right way to go, we deal with trees every day!

Ring Lisa at the office and we can put you onto some of the best in the industry. 


 Eucalyptus camaldulensis (River Red Gum) located just out of Charlston S.A

41.3m tall it is on the National Register and was once occupied by local aboriginal people, the inside is hollow and can easily fir a couple of cows inside!

It is best to get it right the first time.

Planting Natives & drought affected trees

With the  worst drought starting now for 100 years it is really time for all of us to rethink our way of life and help the environment around us .

We are seeing many trees effected by drought ,Native trees are coping alot better than introduced as they are suited to the climate.

The best thing you can do if your tree is looking drought effected is put mulch under your tree and give it a drink. As many bucket loads as you can on your allocated watering day.

 Natives are so beneficial to our environment and cost effective. If you live in Adelaide visit State Flora situated in Belair national park or at Murray bridge. They have thousands of beautiful natives ranging from grasses, sedges, herbs ,ground covers, small ,medium ,large shrubs. Small medium or large trees and they are surprisingly cheap. The State Flora staff are extremly helpful (and friendly) and can advise on species that are specific to your area. They can be contacted on (08) 82787777 or Murray Bridge (08) 8539 2105. State Flora at Belair is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and weekend and public holidays 10am to 5pm. The nursery is closed Christams day and Good Friday.

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